Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Project Number Two: Slutty Brownies

After my organizational high I got from my closet, I tried my luck at baking. Success.
I got the recipe from a girl in one of my classes, and I just had to try it. They're called slutty brownies because they're easy and just a little bit dirty (no I did not make that one up)

First, pre heat your oven to 375 F.
Then, spray or line your baking pan.
Get a bag of Nestle chocolate chips and follow the directions on the back for chocolate chip cookies. Put the chocolate chip cookie dough in the bottom of the pan.
Then, spread a layer of oreos over the chocolate chip cookie dough.
Finally whip up a batch of brownie mix and pour it on top. I didn't have brownie mix, so I used Fun-Da-Middles, which comes with a white filling, which I put on the oreo layer.
Bake for 30 minutes, and then enjoy. These things are absolutely heavenly!

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