Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Perfect Pillows

Now that I am out of school, I should theoretically have a lot of free time. However, I have daily lists of house work to do. Yesterday, after I finished all my house cleaning things, I decided to make some cute pillows for my dorm room next year. Now, Sunday, I returned the Ralph Lauren plaid bedding I had, and my roommate and I are going to pick out some stuff together. Not knowing the color scheme we will be using, these pillows are still pretty perfect.

I started out sewing a basic pillow form with some plain white fabric. The back is an overlay style with a cute decorative button. Then I found some scrap book letters (the ones I used on my candy containers for my freshman in August), and started tracing them onto the pillows with a pencil. To make life easier, I really should have used a stencil, but I didn't have one. Note: Prior to writing, I put an old notebook inside the pillow case so I had something hard to write on.

After stenciling all the letters, I went back and colored them all in with a black fabric marker.

One finished pillow case later, I decided it was time to make a continuation pillow so I could get the whole message across.

So now I have two throw pillows for my dorm room, that will match regardless of the colors my roommate and I choose.
Happy Tuesday!

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