Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Beating the Heat in the House

Yesterday Texas weather got up to 112! Plus any humidity. Today it didn't get as hot but we have been in the triple digits all day - quite difficult for quadruplets to play outside. So today we thought of the poor birds who have to live outside 24/7 and built them some bird houses (plus the nanny here didn't really feel like sitting outside in the heat for hours when there was a human house to sit in. We had some empty milk cartons so I covered them in construction paper and cut two holes in the front an let the kids decorate them. While I cut the holes I had the kids make their own birds to keep them busy and then we put them on the birdhouses with some orange pipe cleaners for legs. I punched a hole in the top and put some yarn through it so we could hang it in the tree. We also thought it would be nice if we provided the birds with a snack on such a miserable day. So I put some peanut butter in the bottom and had the kids sprinkle in some Cheerios. And there you have it two birds houses to beat the heat in.

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