Monday, June 11, 2012

DIY Suncatchers for Kids

While nannying, I try to do crafts with the kids every day. Today we made Suncatchers. I got little soufflé dishes and lined them with wax paper (I traced the dishes and cut the wax paper into circles so it would lay right). Then I let the kids arrange plastic beads in a single layer in the dishes. I preheated the oven to 400F and then put the dishes in the oven for twenty minutes. When the came out I took the wax paper with the beads still attached out of the dish and poked a hole in the plastic while it was still hot. When they had cooled a little I peeled off the wax paper and strung yarn through the hole so we could hang them up outside. They look really cool but they don't really catch the sun all that well because the beads weren't clear. Other than that it turned out really well and clean up was super easy because the dishes were clean since I had lined them and the only thing I really had to do was throw out all the wax paper scraps.

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