Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy Nanny Days

It's my first day of nannying an I just put the kids down for a nap. This morning we took a walk around the neighborhood and we saw a bunch of birds. We talked about how birds fly (we didn't quite get into pressure systems but hey, they're four) and what birds like to eat. When we got back to the house we made bird feeders for the birds we found on our walk. We started with pipe cleaners and I put a loop at one end so we could hang the feeders when we were done. Then I let the kids string the Cheerios on the pipe cleaners. The hardest part for them was not eating all the cheerios first. When the pipe cleaner was almost full I twisted up the end so the Cheerios wouldn't fall off. Then we hung them up on the bird houses outside for the birds to enjoy. We sure enjoyed making them!

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